Monday, May 28, 2012

The Sacred Journey

The Way that I was raised in that we are to walk on a Sacred Path and wait patiently for other Pathways or Doors to Open to us and then head down those other Paths if that is what we wish OR if that is where we are instructed to go.

Waiting for the doors to open is a HUGE part of Witchcraft in the way that my Aunt Helen raised me.   She said that we should live a life close to the Earth, in harmony with other people, nature and animals and be as low key as we can to lessen our impact on the Environment.

Another reason would be if you believe in fate.   For this will be a bit radical but lets say that you are supposed to marry a man named Jack.

You have an illness where you lose your teeth (like I did when I was 23).   You want dentures or implants but the door to get them has not opened Yet.   Do you go against the die and the Path?

You do?  

Ok.   So You never meet Jack The Dentist.

I hear you screaming, But wait, I went to the dentist!

Yes but Jack isn't a dentist in the same city where you live, you went at 23 but the door to meet him didnt open till you were 25 and you went by your own choice but at the wrong time.   so no Jack.

I believe in FATE.    I believe that things happen when they are supposed to happen if you are on the correct path for your Journey.

How do doors open?


I am to read various books to lead me and guide me to new changes.   These Books are chosen by The Die.

Believe me this system does work.    

Also connected to Opening doors and being led in new directions is the concept of Climbing The Levels.  

This means earning degrees.

There are 4 degrees to Witchcraft.    6 levels within each degree.

So, as you read and do the tasks inside each book, You are led to many new experiences and changes, hopefully solidifying your Path to The Goddess and to having the life that you will be happy with.

When you finish the Book at hand.   You cast The die to see if you have earned a new level.    If You have-GREAT!

If Not, You ask if you will ever have to read that book again and you move on to the next one.    

What Degree am I?

1st degree still.

In Witchcraft it takes YEARS of hard work and study to become a 4th Degree Witch.   Not a Year and a Day!


Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Goddess-The Earth

The Universe is Holy.
Sacred, Divine.

To me, it deserves a religious reverence, honor and respect.  


Why not?

I feel completely in awe when I am in Nature.   By Nature I mean that which is Natural.   Forests, The Ocean, Beaches, Deserts, The Stars, The Rain.

Yes, I feel more connected when its raining or when its foggy.   When the wind is blowing or I hear thunder crashing in the skies, when I see the bright streaks of lightning.

I could stand in the rain for hours.

This is The Goddess to me. 

I cannot conceive of a God beyond The Universe.   

Does The Goddess have the ability to communicate needs or desires?   

Does The Goddess have a personality?

I have not seen evidence of that.    


Thursday, May 24, 2012

This Blog is Witchy!


Here is the deal.

I am exploring Satanism and next year I will be exploring New Thought which is a Christian organization that beliefs in the power of Prayer and Right Thinking to change our lives, they believe that affirmations have power and It's a very new agey version of Christianity but I am drawn to it and I love to explore and experience so why not?


This blog is about me, The Witch.   This blog will from here on out be about my beliefs, practices, rituals and such things connected to The Craft.     

This is not to say that I will NEVER mention Satanism again or that I may not mention the practices I adapt from Satanism into my Craft but I want to talk more about The Goddess, The Rede, The Holy Days and such things that!

I love being a Witch.



Monday, May 21, 2012

Is Witchcraft a Religion?


When I was growing up, Witchcraft was The Religion, Wicca was a branch of Witchcraft.   Both were Pagan.   Now, these days Wiccans will tell you that they are Witches (when they admit to practicing magic) and that Witchcraft as a religion does not even exist.

It's insane and wrong.

Family Traditions of Witchcraft do exist and we do consider this to be our religion.   

I do consider this path to be my religion, when someone asks me what religion I am, I tell them I am a Witch.   Though right now I tell them I am a Satanist because that is what I am exploring and I have to take on that identity.



Back to the real world!

A religion is defined as a set of rules, laws and practices, holy days and a God that is venerated.

Well, I do not agree with that.

Buddhists do not have a God and I do consider Buddhism to be a religion.   Satanists also do not have a God and that is a legally protected religion.   

Witchcraft has a Goddess who reigns supreme but The Goddess IS The Universe/Nature.    I have rules that I follow such as not causing harm where I do not need to.   The Law of Return.  Waiting for the doors to open.   Random Ritual days that must be followed.

I'd say that YES Witchcraft is my religion.


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Last Bad Year

Aunt Helen did believe in Psychic ability.   she said that she knew that my 39th Year would be my best year and that my 38th Year would be my best and most productive year, I hope she is right, I am hopeful.

I turned 38 a few days ago.   I had a nice time with Don and his family.   I got to see Tammy.   Amber.   :)    The Rest of the idiots  :)

I was thinking about The Goddess.    I could call The Universe/Nature...The Universe and Nature and it would be the same thing that I was talking about but I really feel closer to the truth when I use the term The Goddess.   It personifies it to me and makes it more Vibrantly real, It connects me more to who I am and what I really believe.

I found some wonderful sites today on Pantheism and Naturalistic Paganism which I feel are helpful to connecting me through the essays to what I really believe in and practice.   :)

The one above this is the one I like the best.    
