Thursday, July 19, 2012

Is The Goddess a Misnomer?

The Universe and Nature are The Goddess to me.


If I were to remove the word Goddess and just say that I thought The Universe/Nature was sacred, Holy, Divine, would that make more sense and be less confusing for people?

Do I care?

I understand where I am coming from and why I use the words that I use, I understand my need for personification so why should I be concerned when someone else does not get it?

I used to really care about this, I guess I had a need for validation from other Witches, other Naturalists and now I am just not of that need, I know who I am and where I am so that is what really matters!

The Goddess is here to stay!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

365 Ways to Climb The Levels

I read meditation books which have titles such as 

365 Days on the Red Road


365 Tao

365 Mystics

These are how I was raised to walk The Sacred Journey and Climb The levels so that I could earn my degrees as a Witch.

Inside each of these books is usually sage advice.  Instructions.  Inspirational quotes and Valuable information.   All of this is to be used in advancement both on a spiritual plane as well as a physical plane.

As you complete the Instructions that either The Die has said you must complete or that you have chosen to complete using your own free will-You will Earn a better position.    

I no longer believe that The Die is The Goddess. I used to.  Now I believe it's random.   Yet, that does not mean it's not Valid and it's not valuable.  Random lessons can teach us just as much about life as it could if their was a Goddess.    

And you never know...There could be.    I am not 100% against theism or supernaturalism, I just have not had any such experiences and so for me...I am where I am.

