Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Job


I try to be a super nice person when it comes to my clients.   Even when they tell me the dumbest things, like I just had a client tell me that he believes his missing bunny was abducted by aliens and he wants to know if I can contact the ship to bring him home.

I have another client who believes that she is raped nightly by the dead.    

I have come to realize that there are many people who need serious mental help and think that by coming to a Psychic is how they can get the help and I don't know what to say to that, I cannot tell them they are crazy because that does not lead to job security and I cannot tell them what I really think about the whole thing so I just have to take their money, listen, try to show compassion (even if it's faked) and hope they find help.

To me, It's a Job.  It's fun sometimes and I make good money sometimes but that is all it is to me, I love money and so it's the perfect Job for me and I can work at home and just talk to people online.

Speaking of....here comes another one.

Are all people who believe in Psychics crazy?   No.   I think they are many things, lonely, desperate, confused, crazy, weak.   I do not believe in it myself nor would I ever consult with one but that is me.



Friday, November 11, 2011

Getting to know me more!

Do you have a magickal name? 
No.   I feel that the invention of magical names is a Wiccan practice and I am a Witch.   

What does it mean? 
No Magical Name.

How did you find Wicca/Paganism? 
As I said before, I was introduced to it when I was 9 but I did not really take it upon myself to become a practicing Witch until I was 17.   

How long have you been practicing? 
I always say since I was 9 so that makes it 30 Years but since I was 17 when I first dedicated myself to The Goddess...That would be...22 years!

Solitary or group practitioner? 

What is your path? 
I am on an Eclectic Path, I worship The Goddess.  Pantheism.   I am exploring Satanism in depth at the moment and finding that to embrace what most people consider to be the DARK side is a GOOD thing as long as there is balance.

Are you out of the broom closet? 
Very few people know I am a Witch, most think I am an Atheist or now some people believe I am a Satanist because as I said, when I explore a path I take on that path completely, I become that role I am playing....but those that KNOW me know I go by the term -once a Witch, always a Witch-.

Who is your patron God? 
No God.

Who is your patron Goddess? 
I do not believe in this as I see it as connected to Wicca, I find that Wicca has many positive websites, books, etc but I don't consider myself a Wiccan Witch.

What Gods do you worship?   
The Goddess.   The Universe/Nature.

What Goddesses do you worship?
Same answer

Do you worship the Christian God? 
No.  I am a Witch.  Not a Christian.   I do not believe in their God.

Do you ever worship animals? 
I worship The WHOLE of Nature.  Not Individual Parts.

Do you regularly commune with nature? 
No but only because I am not near anything Natural, I live in the heart of a city and there are no parks, no beaches, no bodies of water, NOTHING around here so for now I stay inside and do my work and hope for a day when Don and I can move!

Ever walked barefoot in the woods?
No but it would be lovely… not keen on getting stabbed in the toe though.

Taken a camping trip just to talk to nature? 
I have been camping but I do not talk to Nature.  I commune with it, I sit in it. I look at it.  I enjoy the feeling that I am connected to it.

Describe the moment you felt closest to Mother Earth? 
When I lived in Oregon,  I would often go out into the fields at night and just look up at the stars, I remember one night I was doing this and my parents turned on the sunday night disney movie and 'when you wish upon a star' started playing which was the theme to the disney movies back then and I felt so connected.  To this day when I hear that song, I am connected to everything in that moment.

Do you have a familiar? 
No, I do not believe in them.

Have you ever called upon the powers of an animal in ritual? 

Or a plant? 
I have used herbs, plants, tree bark, tree sap, flower petals and such things as that in my magical work.

Do you hug trees? 
Of course.   who doesn't do this?

Give them gifts? 
No, The Tree does not know that I am there so why would I do this?

What is your favorite flower to work with? 
Any that smell nice and look nice on my altar.

What is your favorite tree to work with? 

What is your favorite holiday? 

What is your least favorite holiday? 

Have you ever held a ritual on a holiday? 
Of course.   I just did my Halloween ritual to honor the dead.

Ever taken a day off work to celebrate a Pagan holiday?
I work from home and when Its a ritual day, I do what needs to be done.

Do you celebrate Yule on the 21 rather than the 25?  
Yes, I tend to start it on the 21st and let it go till the 26th.

Have you ever felt the veil thin?
No. I do not believe in this.

Ever danced the Maypole? 

Know what the Maypole symbolizes?
In Wicca I am sure it means something.

How do you usually celebrate the Pagan holidays? 
I have my own ways of celebrating random ritual days and that for the most part that is all I bother with but then I do celebrate Yule, Halloween...

Do you use Tarot? 
No.   I used to use them in my work as a Psychic but now I have a different method which combines the Die with something I learned a long time ago.   Trusting my own Intuition.

Do you use runes? 

Do you use a pendulum? 

Do you use dowsing rods? 

Do you use astrology? 

Any other form of divination? 
The die is the ONLY form of divination that I use.

What was the first spell you did? 
I have no idea.   That would have been when I was 17 and who knows what mind frame I was thinking in back then?

What was the latest? 
Believe it or not I RARELY do magic, the last spell was to bring my sister home to me, and it worked!

Ever done a love spell? 
I have done a spell to make my relationships more loving.

A job spell? 

A healing spell? 

What was the most powerful spell you’ve ever performed? 
I think they are all powerful in their own right.

What deities do you usually call on?

Do you believe in Vampires?  
Just the people that claim they are Vampires, those that live the lifestyle. 

Of course not.


Oh God.

Of course not.



Yes, finally, I had some last night.  YUM


Yes, I heard one earlier


Ever “seen” any of the above? 

Ever talked to any of the above? 
I am not crazy.

Ever used any of the above in magick?

Do you have one of them as a personal guardian?  

Do you see a rabbit, a man or a woman in the moon?
A man.

Own a cat? 
No, One owns me though.

When you mediate what does your happy place look like? 
I do more contemplation and I see a nice home near a stream or river and a body of water.

Do you work with Chakras? 

Do you believe in past lives? 
Yes and No, I believe in indirect reincarnation.

If so, describe a few briefly:  

Do you believe in soul mates?

Do you have a spirit guide? 

Is it always love and light? 
That is not reality!
