Sunday, June 19, 2011


I just got into a discussion with a friend who said "A Witch that cannot curse, cannot heal".    UH.    Look.   Maybe this makes me a fluffy bunny but cursing as I was raised is just giving into the negative feelings in the moment, once you have had time to calm down and really think about the situation that you are in, you will no longer feel a need to curse someone.

I also do believe that when someone wrongs me that they will get their due, through the law of return.   Does this mean that I won't seek justice if someone robs me and I am able to send that person to jail?   No....

Does it mean that I won't own a gun to make sure my family is protected the next time robbers get some kind of fancy idea that my home looks like a nice target?   No....

What it means is that to harm someone, outright or in anger is wrong to me.   It's an act of revenge.   I believe in Justice, Not Revenge!

Could I hex someone?    Probably.   I certainly know how to heal, how to bring myself money when in true need, when to keep myself calm when needed, how to ground and shield myself against negative people and their energies and so I assume that if I sat down and really tried, I could probably come up with a good curse but I would never do that.


Saturday, June 18, 2011


I have had a debate going on message boards such as Earth song spirit and Mysticwicks for Years and even the old Aol Pagan boards.

Is Witchcraft a Religion?

Is Witchcraft the same thing as Wicca or is it just semantics?

Can you be a Witch and a member of another religion?


1. I was raised in The Craft, I was taught that The Goddess reigns supreme, I was raised to worship her, revere her, love her, love all of nature and be in constant awe, respect and reverence of the creative process that we exist as part of.    To me this is a clear sign of a religion.    I do consider Witchcraft to be my religion and no amount of arguing I hear on other sides of the fence will ever convince me otherwise.

2. I am always in deep thought about this.   I wonder what my aunt Helen was at times and what she was really teaching me.  Wiccans tend to believe in a God and Goddess, a dual energy that is found in Nature and she raised me to believe that Nature was Sacred and had divine energy within it, she always said that The Divine energy was both male and female, black and white, gay and straight, it contained all things, was all things, was in all things natural and was all things natural.    Is that Wicca?      Wiccans have a long list of holidays that wrap around a pair of deities and a whole lot of mythology to boot and as I said in the last post, I do not believe in any of that nonsense, its all fake to me.

The Rede...An it harm none, do what ye will.   I do not live like that.   I do not seek revenge, I let the law of return handle this for me because I do believe that whatever I send out probably returns, it's what I have experienced in my own personal life time and time again but I am an all or nothing person and I cannot follow the rede as it's stated--I eat meat which I feel violates the rede right there, I do not know why more Wiccans cannot see that eating meat and animal parts is extremely harmful to the planet we live on, it's probably because they love their meat and are rationalizing it all away.

I think this is why we have so many divisions between Wicca and Witchcraft.   People do not feel connected to one law or teaching of Wicca and so they wander off looking for another answer, because they can't be Wiccan, they don't believe in casting circles for example or they do not believe the law of return works.   I don't know.    Just random thoughts at the moment.   

3. Yes.  

I am tired or I would write more!  
Plus my back hurts from sitting in this chair  :(


Monday, June 6, 2011



Today I have been experimenting with the power of the die.   I have asked it several questions and come up with different answers but then I use it in my work as a Psychic and the answers seem to always be accurate OR am I simply noticing the hits and ignoring the misses as we humans have a strong tendency to do?

I am a skeptic, I am a non believer in many ways, I even called myself a spiritual Atheist there for a while because I do not believe in the usual trappings found in Witchcraft.    Yet I do believe that The Universe/Nature is Sacred and that The Goddess is imminent in it and in each person and I do believe in Magic.

I admit completely though, that Magic could be psychological.  Ritual could be an elaborate form of Psychodrama.   See....I do not believe in 99% of what most people would call the supernatural and another thing that really irritates me is when people say, well, it it's natural, it's not supernatural, there is no such thing as the supernatural then.

Let me explain.   

To me, anything associated with religious faith is FAKE to me, ghosts, angels, demons, fairies.   All FAKE.   I do not believe in the loch ness monster or bigfoot without serious evidence!

Aliens have no visited this planet.   I believe that there is a logical and rational explanation for everything that happens and if we have not found the answer yet, we don't just throw our hands up in the air and say, oh it's supernatural, No!    We keep looking for the rational answer.


As far as I am concerned, I still have enough spirituality in my life to keep me firmly grounded in The Craft.   After all, Witchcraft doesn't NEED for us to believe in all sorts of nonsense to be Witches, there are IN FACT, Atheist Witches, Satanic Witches, Zen Witches, Taoist Witches and many other kinds of Witches who use their logic and ration as they walk this bristled path of thorns.


Friday, June 3, 2011

The Afterlife


   I have been trying to deal with my mom's death.  I have been drinking a lot and I know that It's not a good idea but I need something to help me get through this.   Don and I are still together though I do not know why because we have been through a lot since I started in with the booze.

I have been thinking a lot on the way I was raised, after all that is what this blog is supposed to be about, Yes?

I was raised with the belief that when someone dies, their body decays and their energy is reabsorbed back into The Goddess so that means that there are no such things as Ghosts, when you feel that someone who has died is around you, you can sense them, smell their perfume, whatever, that is their residual energies that have been left behind but THEY are gone.    

This is a form of Indirect reincarnation in that after re-joining The Goddess, they move on and become part of something else in Nature, this could be the trees and rocks, the stars or water or it could be anything.   It's one of the great mysteries of life that I cannot explain.

My mom is literally in and around me and all of Nature, all of The Goddess.   That is helpful.
