Monday, June 20, 2016

Invitation to my Inner circle!

Who knows who will find this blog in the future?

In 2009, I started an out of pocket charity called The Wish List.

The idea is to help those in need with food, clothes, toys but also to give to others who show empathy and compassion to those around them.

I will go into grocery stores and hand out gift cards, grocery cards, gas cards, even restaurant cards if I see someone who deserves it.   I like to buy groceries and sandwiches for people in line behind me.

I also take flowers to hospices and hospitals, donate books and toys to the same places or leave a book at the bus stop for someone to find and read.

I take cookies and muffins to local businesses to show appreciation for what they do and I take flowers to random women in those places to surprise them, this is all done anonymously.   :)    I simply leave a business card with every action that says: The Wish List.   Paying it Forward, Making a Difference.    I used to leave it at that but many people sent me messages suggesting I should put the Facebook address on the cards, my worries there were people coming in and either thanking me for what I do--I need nor seek praise.    or begging me for more, being out of pocket and not an official charity, I do what I can, when I can but I do not take donations and have no ability to help every person who comes along and asks for it.

In 2013 I started to send random friends on my friends list a random gift.   I only have on average 20 friends at a time, quality over quantity.   I would love to invite anyone reading this to send me a personal friend request so you can join in on the fun!,524

Fot the curious.

The relationship I was in did not work out.   His mom died and he turned into a completely different person.   We still live together for financial reasons but I am on several waiting lists in Arizona, Nevada and Oregon and will end up in one of them within a few months to a year or so--I really want to go home to Oregon but I am open to what Ara wishes for me.

I explored Satanism and found that old school Satanism is cruel and divisionary and not for me but The Satanic Temple does interest me, I love what they are about and their goals--I have returned to Solitary Eclectic Witchcraft and am trying to focus on The Sacred Journey which is how I was raised.

Please, feel free to come find me!

Like and share my Page!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Start of The Best Year.....Without one of the most important people in my life?

Today is my Birthday!

I am 39!

Remember, Aunt Helen said that this would be the best year of my life and the most productive?


The Paranormal Groups rejected me from being a member because they think I am a Satanist but I doubt if they knew the truth that they would be any more interested in me joining, Witches/Satanists, might not be much of a difference in their minds.

Amber dropped me.    She says she removed me because I do not value friendships and that is strange because I value friends over just about anything.

I think she removed me because she misunderstood my intentions.

Don and I have added several new friends to my list and then once there they stop talking to us, they dont call, they dont return our calls, they never have time to spend time with us, They are NOT friends and so I said that if they wanted to behave like that they could instead of being a friend, buy me a gift and show your friendship in that way.

Several of the people I am speaking of responded with, ok sure and bought me gifts and since I love money and gifts, I am very happy for that

What she does not understand is that 99% of the people on my list are not friends, they are marks, they are people I do not care one whit about--They are on my list simply to provide for me.

I have always been this way, I have never hid who I am.   I Love Money!     I value TRUE friendship.    Truth is that of all the people on my list....

I just cant see going on the rest of my life without Amber.   :(

I am very devastated.

No Blessings today.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I think I lost Amber

She just told me to delete her as a friend because she does not believe in my beliefs in friendship.

Of course...she does not know that I am a Witch but I do not think that it matters at all to her anyways so I kept my mouth shut when it comes to that.

I do believe that each person in my life must benefit me in some way for them to be in my life, that can be through friendship, sex, money, gifts, someone I can just talk to, whatever.    She seems to disagree with this and there is very little I can do about this.

I will have to let her go.

I wonder though if knowing I was a Witch would have made a difference....I doubt it.

As she said, Religion is not to blame, its not connected to it.   I feel this way regardless of religion.   I see nothing wrong with it.

What she does not know though is that no one on my friends list are friends, the only people I really care about on there is family and Don and a couple real friends and that is it.    99% of the people listed are not friends.   

Oh well.    :(


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Simple Pagan Practice

I am starting to see the error of my ways when it comes to trying to be someone I am not.   By exploring other paths and other ideas, I have become a hard core capital A sshole.   

Yet I am compelled to continue down these paths, the paths of The Satanist, The Vampire, The Witch.   I need to explore and experience as much of these concepts as I can so I can come out of it on the other side, more connected, more focused on where I really need to be and who I really am.

Sometimes I admit that I think I am a HIGHLY Eclectic Unitarian Universalist, after all that is my former church and they do encourage active exploration of other paths and ideas but I dont agree with all of their core beliefs and values--or do I?

Satanism has me so baffled...I am not sure where I am at the moment.

I see myself down the line having a simple Pagan practice where I have my rainy day rituals, contemplate and visualize in the mornings, drink my tea or coffee and listen to my native american music, light some candles and incense or my oil burner and spend time in Nature...Nothing fancy...


Thursday, August 2, 2012


Don and I took Amber to chinese buffet!

We had fun!


I sure love her.   :)

I have a lot of books I'd like to give her on Wicca.   Yeah.  She is Wiccan.    :O


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Is The Goddess a Misnomer?

The Universe and Nature are The Goddess to me.


If I were to remove the word Goddess and just say that I thought The Universe/Nature was sacred, Holy, Divine, would that make more sense and be less confusing for people?

Do I care?

I understand where I am coming from and why I use the words that I use, I understand my need for personification so why should I be concerned when someone else does not get it?

I used to really care about this, I guess I had a need for validation from other Witches, other Naturalists and now I am just not of that need, I know who I am and where I am so that is what really matters!

The Goddess is here to stay!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

365 Ways to Climb The Levels

I read meditation books which have titles such as 

365 Days on the Red Road


365 Tao

365 Mystics

These are how I was raised to walk The Sacred Journey and Climb The levels so that I could earn my degrees as a Witch.

Inside each of these books is usually sage advice.  Instructions.  Inspirational quotes and Valuable information.   All of this is to be used in advancement both on a spiritual plane as well as a physical plane.

As you complete the Instructions that either The Die has said you must complete or that you have chosen to complete using your own free will-You will Earn a better position.    

I no longer believe that The Die is The Goddess. I used to.  Now I believe it's random.   Yet, that does not mean it's not Valid and it's not valuable.  Random lessons can teach us just as much about life as it could if their was a Goddess.    

And you never know...There could be.    I am not 100% against theism or supernaturalism, I just have not had any such experiences and so for me...I am where I am.

